What is Life Drawing?

Life drawing, or sometimes referred to as “figure drawing” is a drawing of the human figure from the observation of a live model, in any of its various shapes and postures, using any of the drawing media for drawing.
Nude models are mostly used in figure drawing to capture the full essence of the human figure. Although traditionally nude, often we incorporate draped or semi-draped figures in our Life Drawing sessions.
When drawing from a live figure, you are attempting to capture the world as it really is. You are studying forms, proportions, perspective, shading and all other elements that go with drawing. Life Drawing trains your eye to see things that photographs cannot capture. It prepares and drills you to be more perceptive in all your work. Life drawing is more than just shapes, muscles, and bones. Rather, it’s about studying the model’s movement, balance, tension, weight and subtle undulation. Drawing humans fully clothed makes it tougher to see the full range of each pose… thus, the reason for life drawing primarily and traditionally done with a nude model.
Life Drawing includes short and long poses. Quick gestures of one- and two-minutes forces you to make spontaneous observations on underlying curves, weight, balance etc. that makes the pose sparkle. Study of these elements is the force which leads to scintillating paintings.
The degree of representation may range from highly detailed, anatomically correct renderings to loose and expressive sketches.
Life Drawing in a group environment allows you to see how others experiment and tackle problems in various ways. Also, you can learn a lot about your own work by seeing a multitude of mediums being used. It allows you to interact with other artists and see how they approach different aspects of the process, technique and ideas for improving your own approach. It can serve as an important method in viewing your subjects in general and thus for your own growth as an artist.
Life Drawing takes place in the Painting Room in the Richmond Cultural Centre. There are some easels, donkey benches, support boards, tables and chairs. But other supplies of art materials will be the responsibility of each artist. Any member who can come early to set up the room would be appreciated. Also, all attendees are responsible for clearing the room as specified by the Centre. It is a friendly gathering, and everyone; young/mature, inexperienced/professional, is most welcome to join us.